Thursday, May 29, 2008

1 Dollar and 100 Dollar Bill

One day, a one dollar bill and a hundred dollar bill got folded together and began talking about their life experiences.

The hundred dollar bill began to brag:
"I've had a great life," he said. "I've been to all the big hotels, Donald Trump himself used me at his casino, I've been in the wallets of Fortune 500 board members, I've flown from one end of the country to the other! I've even been in the wallet of two Presidents of the United States, and once when Princess Diana visited the US, she used me to buy a packet of gum."

In awe, the dollar humbly responded, "Gee, nothing like that has ever happened to me, ...but I have been to church a lot!"

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Go Karting... 1 hour endurance race

Remember this post :-
Yea, 3rd place last year!

This year, I participated again in the KSC Endurance race. The format is the same as last year but the only difference now is that instead of a 45minutes race...its now a 1 hour race.

So technically, each driver has to drive for a whole 20 minutes non stop! Not easy I tell you... requires some determination to stay consistant.

Our team, maintained the same strategy as last year... which is me being the 2nd driver!

We did not have a good start.... our 1st driver spun about 4 times in the track! Not his fault actually, cause the kart that we had was a wee bit 'tail' happy. When it was my turn, we were about 5th position....not a good thing especially in an endurance race!

However, I was able to reel to those in front of by one. I guessed it was fatigue that got the better of the other drivers ...either that or I'm pretty darn fast! hahaha

Ok ok... lets get back down to earth. Don't really like to blow my own horn <-- does that sound right?

Anyway.....I'm sure you guys would like to know the results....right???


let the picture speak for itself....

Overal Champions! 1st place....woooohooooo!!!

More pics of the champion...hahahaha

Friday, May 9, 2008

Team work....

Ecclesiastes 4:12 (New King James Version)

12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.