Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Greg & Jen's Wedding


2 weeks ago, I attended Greg & Jen's Wedding... The ceremony was held in City Harvest Church and what a joyous occasion it was ...I don't know why, but whenever I attend church always bring tears to my eyes. I guess its that magical moment when both couple exchange their vows.... you know the standard phrase, "to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do us part" .... sweeet !

And as always... after everything was over...someone would always ask you this, "So when is your turn la?" And of course the standard reply is, "Wait for your turn first lor!" ...heheheh are some pics during the dinner

Walking down the staircase... while everyone awaits at the lounge area. Phewwwwittt!

As you can see...popping the cork of a champaigne bottle is no easy task! hehehe

Felicia, Li-Hsia, me, Jeff

Li-Hsia & me

CHCKL Usher team

Ohhh, forgot to mention that the dinner was held in a penthouse in banker's club somewhere in KL. Very classy place and food was great...and of course me being the forgetful one...I've forgotten to charge my camera and couldn't take much pics that night.
Oh well... all in all everyone had a great time. So cheers to both Greg & Jen ! God Bless...

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